
“It is what you read when you don’t have to that determines what you will be when you can’t help it.”
– Oscar Wilde

I’m Sarah, an artist and elementary fine arts teacher living in the Oklahoma City area. In 2012, I decided to try and complete at least 25 books as my New Year’s resolution. I didn’t quite make it, but I enjoyed the challenge, so now that is my yearly goal. Sometimes I’m able to do it, and sometimes I fall short. But the pursuit is always worthwhile.

As this book list has grown over time, I have made it a point to try to stretch my habits to include a great variety of stories: books by women, especially women of color; books written by people from different countries; nonfiction books; YA novels; and long books that at one point would have intimidated me.

I return often (constantly) to my favorite genres: crime and horror.

I am a huge fan of audiobooks and predominantly use Audible and Libby to access the books I review. Some people say that listening to books “isn’t the same” or is somehow “cheating,” and I have only sympathy for anyone who doesn’t believe that a great story comes in many forms, none greater than the other. These are typically also people who don’t count films, video games, or graphic novels as serving a higher narrative purpose and thus those people should be avoided at all costs…err, at least during a lively discussion at a Halloween party.

Sometimes I review beverages I think would pair well with certain books. Usually coffee. It is possible that I am entirely too caffeinated.

When I am not reading books, reviewing them, or drinking coffee, I am spending copious amounts of time working on art projects. My husband and I are the proud companions of two unruly rescue cats who would constantly change all our clocks to suppertime if they could.

I also enjoy overanalyzing horror films, playing Dungeons and Dragons, and learning the ukulele in my spare time.

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